to days to come

27 Apr 2016

A Sentence for a Leetcode Problem

Before it is too late.

I am going to record my solutions for all the leetcode problems, in one sentence for each – albeit the fact that I have already done > 80 in this session and > 100 earlier months ago.

1. two sum

Sort, loop and binary_search, and find the indices (nlogn + nlogn + n)

9. Palindrome Number

Note the negative, use long to avoid overflow, just generate a reversed long and compare with the original

15. 3Sum

Outer loop iterates the first guy of result triplets, inner loop tries to contract the left subarray so as to find the other two of the resulting triplets. Note to remove duplicates by skipping duplicate elements.

16. 3Sum Closest

Same as 15.

18. 4Sum

Similar to 3Sum. Note that one can think of some way to do pruning. (e.g. skip when 3*MAX_OF_SUB_ARRAY < TARGET)

19. Remove Nth Node From End of List

Two pointers with n-offset.

27. Remove Element

Fast and slow, loop, swap, and when hit the val-to-remove skip incrementing slow.

28. Implement strStr()

Brute-force shall surfice, but kmp is also good… (for dfa kmp, do understand the backup state!! (read algorithms by Robert Sedgewick)

29. Divide Two Integers

2^n increment to determine the upper bound, binary search after upper bound is determined. take care of overflow!

31. Next Permutation

(read stl code…) find the first misordered one (ascending pair, item first) from backward, find the first guy bigger than the misordered one, swap, reverse everything beyond the misordered one. (this makes sure the first misordered guy is corrected by the first bigger guy, and reversing makes sure the guys beyond the misordered guy are ascending)

34. Search for a Range

lower_bound and upper_bound can do the trick, or one can write his own binary search routines.

35. Search Insert Position

lower_bound can do the trick.

38. Count and Say

Just loop and call a “transform” function as per the question’s requirement

39. Combination Sum

DFS, maintaining a current pos in candidates, a current chosen list and current value, and the next chosen candidates being all candidates beyond pos if they are smaller than (target-current_value).

40. Combination Sum II

DFS, maintaining a start pos in candidates and a current chosen list, push result when current sum equals to target.

46. Permutations

Sort and stl::next_permutation can do the trick

47. Permutations II

next_permutation (make sure you know how to implement it yourself)

58. Length of Last Word

Loop, note the space indice, note the non-space right bound, and get the difference between these two indices.

60. Permutation Sequence

From left to right, each digit of the result can be determined by chosing the $floor(k / fac(n-i))$-th candidate digits where $i$ refer to $i$th digit, and after each step, the chosen digit shall be removed. The candidate digits are sorted ascendingly.

61. Rotate List

Find the length, find where to disconnect, connect the first segment to the tail. (note if k >= length, we need to mod it)

63. Unique Paths II

DP. Simply set 0 to blocked grid. Note this applies to the first row and column – one should not simply set them to 1 as in problem “Unique Paths”.

67. Add Binary

Simple… loop over and maintain a carry

69. Sqrt(x)

Newton’s method.

71. Simplify Path

Just split tokens using “/”, and pop when hit “..”. Note when the tokens (to pop) is empty and dont forget to push the last token even if there is no trailing “/”.

74. Search a 2D Matrix

lower_bound, lower_bound, note how to choose mid so that there would not be an infinite loop. (ceil or floor the mid)

75. Sort Colors

Partition (see Algorithms); or bucket / radix sort.

77. Combinations

DFS, maintaining a current list and current start.

Recursive DFS. Better to reuse board to keep track of visited grid – it’s simpler.

80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II

Two pointers with prev and first – one more predicate than duplicate I.

86. Partition List

Advance pointer to the first guy that is >= x, record it, and when further advancing the earlier pointer, move the node to the position before the recorded position if the node is < x.

89. Gray Code

The next 2^i gray codes are essentially the same reverse-ordered generated 2^i code sequence with each of them setting their next-highest bit.

93. Restore IP Addresses

DFS / backtracking. Note we dont allow 0-leaded number e.g.

95. Unique Binary Search Trees II

DP, storing $f(x)$, and $f(x+1) = (f_0(0) \times f_1(x)) + (f_0(1) \times f_2(x-1)) + …$, where the subscript of $f()$ means that all the nodes of the trees represented by $f()$ need to increment their values by the subscript so as to meet the requirement of a BST.

96. Unique Binary Search Trees

DP. using different number as the root, the count of BST of such configuration is the product of the configurations of left subtrees and the one of right subtrees.

101. Symmetric Tree

A tree is symmetric if its left subtree is mirror of its right subtree, and left-left right-right, left-right right-left, recursively judged by a helper predicate function.

108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree

DFS. Divide and conquer, half by half.

120. Triangle

DP using an array with size being the size of the last row of the triangle, following $min_paths(x) = min_path + min(x) for min_path in min_paths(x-1)$ where $min_paths()$ refers to the solution function and $min()$ refers to the minimum next-value of the two elements of the corresponding path.

121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

Overkilling way: DP with 2 states as 309; simple way: maintain a min_price and max_profit (derived by price[i]-min_price).

131. Palindrome Partitioning

DFS / backtracking, with optional 2d array for storing substr-being-parlidrome predicate.

133. Clone Graph

DFS. Note how to handle when the node is already visited – we still need to add the cloned node to the neighbours.

134. Gas Station

Contract neighbour net-costs (gas-cost) when both negative or first positive and sum positive, and move the last to first, and do again, until the length is 1 or 2, using the sign of the last element to determine if feasible to travel around.

142. Linked List Cycle II

Two pointers, fast and slow. Assume the start of circle is X steps away from the head, slow goes K steps after entering the circle and fast goes 2K+2X in total. We have K%C = (2K+X)%C => (K+X)%C = 0. i.e. when fast and slow hits, fast is X steps away from the entrance. So we just need to reset slow to head and increment both step by step.

143. Reorder List

Two pointers to find the middle, reverse the tail, contract the head and tail until met.

151. Reverse Words in a String

Remove duplicate / trailing / leading spaces, reverse each word, and reverse the entire string.

153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

Binary search. Take care of a sorted sub-partition – you may run into the maximum instead of the minimum…

155. Min Stack

Two stacks, one normal, one minstack.

162. Find Peak Element

Binary search. Recursively search the “increasing” part by checking the middle item trend / differential compared to its neighbours. When the middle item is a peak itself, obviously return it as well.

172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes

Count how many 5s… Note that 25 has two 5s, and 125 three 5s, and so on… ($\log_5n$)

190. Reverse Bits

Mask, shift, and, or…

203. Remove Linked List Elements

Simple… loop over and delete.

207. Course Schedule

*the BFS way to detect cycles in this post is interesting *

209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum

Two pointers, shrink the subarray when sum matches the requirement.

210. Course Schedule II

Topology sort. Refer to Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick.

211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design

Trie and DFS (for ‘.’ case). Don’t forget to initialise pointers even if they are NULL!!

216. Combination Sum III

DFS / backtracking. Simple.

221. Maximal Square

DP. $f(x, y) = min(f(x-1, y-1), f(x, y-1), f(x-1, y)) + 1$ if $matrix(x, y)$ else $0$ where $f()$ represents the max width of square that can be formed using this point as bottom-right corner.

222. Count Complete Tree Nodes

When left-most level == right-most level, return 2^level-1, otherwise, recursively count the left subtree and right subtree.

229. Majority Element II

Boyer-Moore majority vote algorithm. Two counters. $log(2n)$ – 2 loops, first get the two candidates, then get the real count of the two candidates and see if they meet the requirement.

264. Ugly Number II

DP. Maintain a vector of indices showing for each prime what the last ugly number is. Each iteration is essentially finding the minimum of the product of each prime and their “last ugly number”. For each hit, increment their indices to point to the next ugly.

274. H-Index

Binary search, using the indices and the descending-sorted citation count.

275. H-Index II

Binary search, same as 274 albeit the sorting order is ascending.

278. First Bad Version

Binary search.

279. Perfect Squares

DP. $f(n) = \min(f(n-i) + f(i))$ where $i$ is a perfect square number. Or, a better solution, and refer to Lagrange’s four-square theorem

303. Range Sum Query - Immutable

Prefix sum.

304. Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable

Prefix sum. Or more daring: “2d” prefix sum

309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown

DP with state machine (3n space complexity, 3 for three states – before buy / after cooling, after buy / before sell, after sell / before cooling). Refer to this post

310. Minimum Height Trees

BFS, shrinking the graph from outer frontier where nodes only has one degree, updating the degrees as the frontier nodes are removed.

319. Bulb Switcher

Brainteaser… I cannot know the optimal solution unless reading this

322. Coin Change

DP. $f(x) = \min(f(x-coin_i)+1)$ where $f()$ refer to the coin number.
TODO: Pruning need to be done so as to reduce the runtime?

332. Reconstruct Itinerary

DFS, tracking edge count. a better solution resembles topology sort

347. Top K Frequent Elements

Sort, sort by occurrence, get the first K. nlogn (using heap can be faster I think, though complexity is still nlogn).
