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Week 1
Guiding Questions
- What does a computer have to do in order to understand a natural language sentence?
- part-of-speech tagging, syntatic analysis, semantic analysis, pragmatic analysis
- What is ambiguity?
- word-level ambiguity (e.g. POS, meaning)
- syntatic ambiguity (e.g. (adj.)modification, PP attachment (…with a telescope))
- anaphora ambiguity (e.g. himself refering to whom?)
- presupposition (e.g. “He quit smoking” implies “He smoked”)
- Why is natural language processing (NLP) difficult for computers?
- people omit a lot of common sense knowledge
- people keep a lot of ambiguities
- What is bag-of-words representation? Why is this word-based representation more robust than representations derived from syntactic and semantic analysis of text?
- What is a paradigmatic relation?
- What is a syntagmatic relation?
- What is the general idea for discovering paradigmatic relations from text?
- What is the general idea for discovering syntagmatic relations from text?
- Why do we want to do Term Frequency Transformation?
- How does BM25 transformation work?
- Why do we want to do IDF (Inverse Document Frequency) weighting?
- What is entropy? For what kind of random variables does the entropy function reach its minimum and maximum, respectively?
- What is conditional entropy?
- What is the relation between conditional entropy H(X|Y) and entropy H(X)? Which is larger?
- How can conditional entropy be used for discovering syntagmatic relations?
- What is mutual information I(X;Y)? How is it related to entropy H(X) and conditional entropy H(X|Y)?
- What’s the minimum value of I(X;Y)? Is it symmetric?
- For what kind of X and Y, does mutual information I(X;Y) reach its minimum? For a given X, for what Y does I(X;Y) reach its maximum?
- Why is mutual information sometimes more useful for discovering syntagmatic relations than conditional entropy?
- Text mining $\approx$ Text analytics
- mining focuses on the process – algorithms
- analytics focuses on the results
- generally, they are the same
- high-quality information and actionable knowledge
- high-quality information: more concise information about the topic, easier to digest
- actionable knowledge: for decision / action to take
- landscape of text mining and text analytics
- text mining: revert the process of generating text data
- inferring (4) can use the intermediate data / results from (2) and (3)
- processing of the text data to generate features that helps prediction, is very important
- can also use non-text data to
- help prediction
- associate with text data (e.g. timeframe, geolocation, other meta data)
Natural Language Content Analysis
- shallow analysis
- to be covered in this course
- applicable to any texts
- can be done in large scale
- statistical approach
- deeper analysis: may require more human power to anotate data
Text Representation
- text representation
- string of characters: any language, but cannot analyse semantics
- sequence of words: powerful for English, but difficult for some languages (e.g. Chinese)
- POS tags: (+) means this is an additional way for text representation
- syntactic structures
- entities and relations:
- application: knowledge graph (Google)
- less robust, yet useful
- entities and relations:
- logic predicates
- speech acts: intent of the sentence
- as we go down, more human effort is required, less accurate; but gives user direct knowledge – deep representation of knowledge
- note: Human play an important role. So one need to optimise human-computer collaboration.
Word Association Mining and Analysis
- paradigmatic relation: substituting words keeps the sentence valid for understanding
- applies to units in similar locations in data sequence
- syntagmatic relation: semantically related, in general cannot replace each other
- applies to co-occurrence in data sequence
- why:
- acronym: abbreviation expansion
- applications:
- for text retrieval:
- query expansion
- query suggestion
- for text retrieval:
- intuitions:
- compare similarity of context (left, right, general)
- general ideas:
- paradigmatic: words with high context similarity
- syntagmatic: words with high cooccurrence but relatively low individual occurrences
- joint disconvery: paradigmatic related words tend to have syntagmatic relation with same words
Paradigmatics Relation Discovery
- “pseudo document”
- bag of words
- ‘Left1(“cat”)’: word before “cat”
- Right1: word after
- Window8: words around
- expected overlap of workds in context (EOWC)
- $d1 = (x_1, …, x_N)$, $x_i = c(w_i, d1) / |d1|$
- a probablity distribution of words in document $d1$
- dot product as the similarity
- problems of EOWC
- favours frequent terms over distinct terms
- e.g. d1 and d2 has one overlapping term with 0.5 probablity, $sim = 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25$
- e.g. d1 and d2 has 500 overlapping terms with 0.01 probablity for each, $sim = 0.01 * 0.01 * 500 = 0.05$
- solution: sublinear transformation of term frequency (TF)
- bend (sublinearise) the $c(w, d)$ curve
- treats every word equally
- solution: reward matching a rare word: IDF term weighting (inverse document frequency)
- “collection”: all the collected documents / contexts
- favours frequent terms over distinct terms
- adapting BM25 for paragmatic relation discovery
- $x_i = \frac{BM25(w_i, d1)}{\sum_{j=1}^{N}BM25(w_j, d1)}$
- normalisation of $x_i$, to make sure the sum is still 1
- $BM25(w_i, d1) = \frac{(k + 1)c(w_i, d1)}{c(w_i, d1) + k(1 - b + b * |d1|/avdl)}$
- $1 - b + b * \frac{|d1|}{avdl}$: document length penalisation
- $sim(d1, d2) = \sum_{i = 1}^{N} IDF(w_i) x_i y_i$
- adapting BM25 for syntagmatic relation discovery
- same: $x_i = \frac{BM25(w_i, d1)}{\sum_{j=1}^{N}BM25(w_j, d1)}$
- IDF-weighted d1: $d1 = (x_i * IDF(w_i), …, x_N * IDF(w_N))$
- highly weighted terms (w’s) are likely syntagmatically related to each other
Syntagmatic Relation Discovery: Entropy
syntagmatic relation: correlated occurrences
- word prediction: intuition
- “the” is easy to predict: it probably will occur
- “unicorn” is easy to predict as well: it probably will NOT occur
- “meat” is relatively hard to predict
- how random is the word?
- entropy: quantitatively measure the randomness
- entropy
- $H(X_w) = \sum_{v\in \{0, 1\} } -p(X_w = v) \log_2 p(X_w = v)$
- here: only binary random variable
- high: meaning more random
- e.g. $p(x=1)=1$ shows a constant, which is not random, its $H$ is 0
- e.g. $p(x=1)=0.5$ shows a “fair coin”, which is random, its $H$ is 1
Syntagmatic Relation Discovery: Conditional Entropy
- entropy when condition
- the condition changes the “prediction” / “randomness”
- the “change” shows the syntagmatic relation, I think
- just change $p(x=v)$ into $p(x=v | y=u)$
- $H(X|Y) = \sum_{u\in\{0, 1\}} p(X=u) H(X|Y=u)$
- $H(X|Y) \leq H(X)$
- knowing more, the uncertainty / randomness can only be reduced
- minimum being 0, (I think) when, e.g., two words only occur in pairs, or the condition is the word itself
- $H(X_{meat} | X_{meat}) = 0$
- conditional entropy to capture syntagmatic relation
- $H(X_{meat} | X_{meat}) = 0$
- $H(X_{meat} | X_{the}) > H(X_{meat} | X_{eats})$
- how to mine the strongest K syntagmatic relations from a collection?
- one can sort $H(X_{w1} | X_{w2})$ and pick the smallest
- but that only yields the related words of $w1$ – asymmetric
- if one want to mine K, repeatedly doing that will be costly
- since $H(X_{w2} | X_{w1})$ and $H(X_{w3} | X_{w1})$ are not comparable
- they have different upperbounds
- mutal information!!
Syntagmatic Relation Discovery: Mutal Information
- $I(X; Y) = H(X) - H(X|Y) = H(Y) - H(Y|X)$
- non-negative: $I(X; Y) \geq 0$
- symmetric: $I(X; Y) = I(Y; X)$
- $I(X; Y) = 0$ $\iff$ $X$ and $Y$ are independent
- rewriting MI using KL-divergence
- $I(X;Y) = \sum_{u\in \{0, 1\}}\sum_{v\in \{0, 1\}} p(X=u, Y=v) \log_2 \frac{p(X=u, Y=v)}{p(X=u) p(Y=v)}$
- easy for implementation: only need to count:
- $p(X=1)$
- $p(Y=1)$
- $p(X=1, Y=1)$
- all other terms in the formula above can then be derived
Week 2
Topic Mining and Analysis: Motivation and Task Definition
- discover topics
- how to define $\theta_k$ ?
- determine which documents cover which topics
Term as Topic
- easy, but many problems
- lack of expressive power
- let topic be multiple words
- incompleteness in vocalublary coverage, e.g. related words
- add weights on words
- word ambiguity
- split ambiguious word
- lack of expressive power
Probabilistic Topic Models
- topic = word distribution
- multiple words
- weights as probablities
- ambiguious words are split into multiple topics
- generative model for text mining
- design a model with parameters $\Lambda = (\{\theta_1, …, \theta_k\}, \{\pi_{11}, …, \pi_{1k}\}, \{\pi_{N1}, …, \pi_{Nk}\})$
- $k$ topics
- $N$ documents
- number: $(N * k + N * k)$, here $(N = |V|)$
- maximise $p(data | model, \Lambda)$
- $\Lambda^* = argmax_{\Lambda} p(data | model, \Lambda)$
- design a model with parameters $\Lambda = (\{\theta_1, …, \theta_k\}, \{\pi_{11}, …, \pi_{1k}\}, \{\pi_{N1}, …, \pi_{Nk}\})$
Overview of Statistical Language Models
general models that covers probabilistic top models as special cases
- two problems:
- given a model, how likely will one observe certain kind of data points
- sampling process
- given some observed data, to figure out some parameters of a model
- estimating process
- is the estimation in the slides the best? How to define “best”?
- the estimation in the slides is the best: maximum likelihood
- given a model, how likely will one observe certain kind of data points
- maximum likelihood and bayesian estimation
- watch the video…
- this document may be helpful
Mining One Topic
- use Lagrange function multiplier approach
- $\hat{\theta} = argmax_\theta \sum_{i=1}^M c(w_i, d) \log\theta_i$
- subject to constraint: $\sum_{i=1}^M \theta = 1$
- solution: $\hat{\theta} = \frac {c(w_i, d)}{|d|}$
- will use numerical approaches later…
- what does the topic look like?
- top: common words (e.g. the, a, etc.)
- how to get rid of them? next lecture…
- middle: topic-related words
- bottom: topic-irrelevant (less related) words
- top: common words (e.g. the, a, etc.)
Mixture of Unigram Language Models
- use another distribution to generate only those common words
- $p(w) = p(\theta_d)p(w|\theta_d) + p(\theta_B)p(w|\theta_B)$
- or even more daring (more models mixed):
- $p(w) = \sum p(\theta_i)p(w|\theta_i)$
Mixture Model Estimation
- assume the background model is fixed
- collaboration and competition of $\theta_d$ and $\theta_B$
- $p(w1|\theta_B) > p(w2|\theta_B) \Rightarrow p(w1|\theta_d) < p(w2|\theta_d)$
- balance out
- high frequency words get higher $p(w|\theta_d)$
- $p(w1|\theta_B) > p(w2|\theta_B) \Rightarrow p(w1|\theta_d) < p(w2|\theta_d)$
- summary
- high probabilities to high-frequent words: collaboratively maxmise likelihood
- when “the” occurrence increases, its impact on the likelihood function increases as well
- so increasing its (“the”’s) probability helps to increase the likelihood
- when “the” occurrence increases, its impact on the likelihood function increases as well
- different component tend to bet high probablities on different words
- same word in different component has very different probabilities?
- i.e. $p(w1|\theta_B) > p(w2|\theta_B) \Rightarrow p(w1|\theta_d) < p(w2|\theta_d)$
- component probabilities are used to regulate the collaboration and competition
- higher $p(\theta_B)$ suppresses (regulates) the marginal increase of $p(“the”|\theta_d)$ / parameters of common words
- thus encourages the topic-word parameters to increase
- high probabilities to high-frequent words: collaboratively maxmise likelihood
Expectation-Maximisation Algorithm
- for mixture model estimation
- infer which component / distribution a single word comes from
- from $\theta_d$ (z=0):
- $p(z=0|w) = \frac{p(\theta_d)p(w|\theta_d)} {p(\theta_d)p(w|\theta_d) + p(\theta_B)p(w|\theta_B)}$
- normalised
- “expectation” step
- from $\theta_d$ (z=0):
- maximisation step
- if we know exactly which distribute a single word comes from
- $p(w|\theta_d) = \frac{c(w, d)} {\sum_{w’\in V} c(w’, d)}$
- now we combine the inference
- $p(w|\theta_d) = \frac{c(w, d)p(z=0|w)} {\sum_{w’\in V} c(w’, d)p(z=0|w)}$
- if we know exactly which distribute a single word comes from
- iterative algorithm
- e-step: determine $p^{(n)}(z=0|w)$
- m-step: determine $p^{(n+1)}(w|\theta_d)$
- stop when likelihood doesnt change
- EM computation in action
- target: $p(w|\theta_d)$
- by products: $p(z=0|w)$
- helps to evaluate how the document covers background words
- hill climbing
- possible to get stuck at local optima (mutliple runs are needed)
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA)
- basic topic mining
- likelihood function:
- $p(w) = \lambda_Bp(w|\theta_B) + (1-\lambda_B)\sum_{i=1}^k p(\theta_i)p(w|\theta_i)$
- $\lambda_B$: known
- $p(w|\theta_B)$: known
- $p(\theta_i) = \pi_{d, i}$: to-be-determined
- $p(w|\theta_i)$: to-be-determined
- for document: $\prod_{w\in V} p(w)$, i.e.
- $\log p(d) = \sum_{w\in V} c(w, d) \log(p_d(w))$
- for collection:
- $\log p(C|\Lambda) = \sum_{d\in C} \sum_{w\in V} \log p(d)$
- parameter to be determined:
- $\Lambda = (\{\pi_{d, j}\}, \{\theta_j\}), j=1, …, k$
- $p(w) = \lambda_Bp(w|\theta_B) + (1-\lambda_B)\sum_{i=1}^k p(\theta_i)p(w|\theta_i)$
- EM algorithm for PLSA
- $\pi_{d, j}$ is tied to each documents!!
- each document covers topics in a different way
- therefore $z_{d, w}$, the hidden variable for augmenting words are tied to words in each document
- M-step (my understanding):
- $f(w, d, j) = c(w, d) (1 - p(z_{d, w} = B)) p(z_{d, w} = j)$
- $\pi_{d, j}^{(n+1)} = \frac{\sum_{w\in V} f(w, d, j)} {\sum_j’ \sum_{w\in V} f(w, d, j’)}$
- cover over all topics, determine probability of document coverting certain topic
- $p^{(n+1)}(w|\theta_j) = \frac{\sum_{d\in C} f(w, d, j)} {\sum_{w’\in V} \sum_{d\in C} f(w’, d, j)}$
- cover over all vocalublary and documents, determine probability of word occurring under certain topic
- $\pi_{d, j}$ is tied to each documents!!
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
- extension of LDA
- pseudo counts of w from prior $\theta’$ – as if more documents are added…
- $p^{(n+1)}(w|\theta_j) = \frac{\sum_{d\in C} f(w, d, j) + \mu p(w|\theta_j’)} {\sum_{w’\in V} \sum_{d\in C} f(w’, d, j) + \mu}$
- $\mu = 0$: prior is removed
- $\mu = +\infty$: word probabilities are enforced
- also may set certain $\pi$ to zero – not let certain topic to be generated
- deficiency of PLSA
- not a generative model
- cannot compute probability of a new document
- $\pi$ is tied with training data / documents, not future
- cannot compute probability of a new document
- complex: many parameters to compute
- many local maxima
- prone to over-fitting
- the model is too flexible to fit the training data
- not able to generalise
- not a generative model
- topic coverage and topic word distributions can be inferred using Bayesian inference
- inference is still a problem: many parameters?
- topic coverage and topic word distributions can be inferred using Bayesian inference
- $p(\vec{\pi}_d) = Dirichlet(\vec{\alpha}), \vec{\alpha} = (\alpha_1, …, \alpha_k)$
- k topics
- $p(\vec{\theta}_i) = Dirichlet(\vec{\beta}), \vec{\beta} = (\beta_1, …, \beta_M)$
- M words
- $p(\vec{\pi}_d) = Dirichlet(\vec{\alpha}), \vec{\alpha} = (\alpha_1, …, \alpha_k)$
Week 3
Text Clustering: Motivation
- perspective must be defined
- by what do one think elements are similar
Generative Probablitic Models
- one topic is a cluster
- mixture model for document clustering
- stay with one distribution once the decision is made
- word distribution is to be used for generating all the words in one document
- difference between topic model and clustering model:
- topic model:
- $p(d) = \prod_{i=1}^L [p(\theta_1)p(x_i|\theta_1) + p(\theta_2)p(x_i|\theta_2)]$
- each word are generated in a mixture of multiple topic distributions
- mixture model for clustering:
- $p(d) = p(\theta_1)\prod_{i=1}^L p(x_i|\theta_1) + p(\theta_2) \prod_{i=1}^L p(x_i|\theta_2)]$
- stay with the distribution and generate all words
- topic model:
- generalised form of mixture model for document clustering
- $p(d|\Lambda) = \sum_{i=1}^k [p(\theta_i) \prod_{w\in V} p(w|\theta_i)^{c(w, d)}]$
- unigram model
- maximise likelihood estimate
- $\Lambda^* = argmax_\Lambda p(d|\Lambda)$
- $p(d|\Lambda) = \sum_{i=1}^k [p(\theta_i) \prod_{w\in V} p(w|\theta_i)^{c(w, d)}]$
- cluster allocation
- $p(\theta_i)$ does not depend on d
- likelihood + prior (Bayesian):
- considers documents’ size
- prefer large cluster
- example
- normalisation to avoid underflow
- both denominator and nominator, to divide by $\prod p(w_i|\bar{\theta})$
- if not, $p(\theta) \prod p(w_i|\theta)$ is very small, and may not be manageable
- or, use $\log$
- anyway, try to preserve precision
- normalisation to avoid underflow
Similarity-based Approaches
- explicitly define a similarity function to measure similarity
- in contrast, generative model uses an implicitly defined function, e.g. likelihood function
- find an optimial partitioning of data:
- maximise intra-group similarity
- minimise inter-group similarity
- methods
- hierarchical clustering, e.g. HAC
- “flat” clustering, e.g. k-means
- k-means is very similar to EM algorithm
- ~ e-step: assign vector to a cluster whose centroid is the closest
- difference: here: just assign it, exactly!
- EM algorithm: attach a probability saying a vector belongs to some cluster
- ~ m-step: recompute centroids
- difference: here: exact point
- probablitic allocation
- ~ e-step: assign vector to a cluster whose centroid is the closest
- k-means is very similar to EM algorithm
Clustering Evaluation
- must define perspective
- closeness between clustering results and humab-generated result
Text Categorisation
- related to
- topic mining and analysis
- predicting / analysing the observer / author
- prediction
Text Categorisation Methods
- (manual categorisation) works well when:
- categories are well defined
- categories are easily distinguished on surface features in text
- domain knowledge is available to suggest many effective rules
- problems
- labor intensive – doesnt scale up well
- rules may be inconsistent (e.g. different categorisation based on different rules) – not robust
- solvable by using machine learning
Text Categorisation: Generative Probabilistic Models
- naiive Bayes Classifier
- if $\theta_i$ represents category i acurately
- how? learn from the data?
- in clustering, $\theta_i$ are adjusted to maximise likelihood function
- (maybe, clustering first can be used as unsupervised learning to generate clustering / categorisation labels)
- (and then, based on the result $\theta_i$, further categorisation can be conducted)
- same as clustering
- $category(d) = argmax_i p(\theta_i|d) = argmax_i \prod_{w\in V}p(w|\theta_i)^{c(w, d)}p(\theta_i)$
- to avoid underflow problems, rewrite using $\log$
- $category(d) = argmax_i \log{p(\theta_i) + \sum_{w\in V}}c(w, d) \log{p(w|\theta_i)}$
- naiive: assume each words are generated independently
- if $\theta_i$ represents category i acurately
- smoothing in Naiive Bayes
- why
- addressing data sparseness (occurrence of zero probability)
- incorporate prior knowledge (human direction)
- achieve discriminative weighting
- how (similar as before)
- $p(\theta_i)=\frac{N_i + \delta} {\sum_{j=1}^k N_j + k\delta}$
- $p(w|\theta_i) = \frac {\sum_{j=1}^{N_i} c(w, d_{ij} + \mu p(w|\theta_B))} {\sum_{w’\in V’} \sum_{j=1}^{N_i} c(w’, d_{ij}) | \mu}$
- the added background words will be less important as before, because they are now considered in all categories
- why
- anatomy of Naiive Bayes Classifier
- logistic regression?
- $score(d) = \beta_0 + \sum f_i \beta_i$
- $f_i = c(w, d)$
Text Categorisation: Discriminative Classifiers
- logistic regression
- $\log \frac{p(\theta_1)|d} {p(\theta_2|d)} = \log \frac{p(Y=1|X)} {1-p(Y=1|X)} = \beta_0 + \sum_{i=1}^M x_i \beta_i$
- rewrite: \(p(Y=1\|X) = \frac {e^{\beta_0+\sum_{i=1}^M x_i \beta_i}}{e^{\beta_0+\sum_{i=1}^M x_i \beta_i} + 1}\)
- maximum likelihood estimate: $\hat{\vec{\beta}} = argmax_{\vec{\beta} p(T|\vec{\beta})}$
- k-nearest neighbours (KNN)
- assume $p(\theta_i|d)$ is locally smooth / same for all d’s in a region
- how to determine the region? i.e. similarity
- assume $p(\theta_i|d)$ is locally smooth / same for all d’s in a region
- support vector machine (SVM)
- linear separator to maximise the margin
- support vectors: the data points that determines the margins
- closest data points to the separator
- summary:
- multiple methods available
- may produce similar results, but with different possible mistakes
- so one can compare / combine them
Text Categorisation: Evaluation
- classification accuracy
- problems:
- some decision errors are more serious
- test set is skewed
- problems:
- per-document evaluation
- precision and recall
- per-category evaluation
- precision and recall, in a different perspective
- combine precision and recall – F-measure
- (macro) averaging over all categories
- compute precision, recall and F-measure for each category / document
- aggregate all precision, recall and F-measure
- relatively more informative than micro-averaging
- (micro) averaging
- compute precision, recall and F-measure once for all documents
Week 4
Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis: Motivation
- opinion $\approx$ a subjective statement describing what a persion believes or thinks about something
Sentiment Classification
- suppose we know opinion holder & target & context & content
- output: polarity analysis, emotion analysis (beyond polarity)
- commonly used text features
- character n-grams
- word n-grams
- unigram is effective, but not for sentiment analysis
- long n-grams are discriminative, but may cause overfitting
- POS tag n-grams
- word classes
- frequent patterns
- parse tree-based
- pattern discovery algorithms are useful for feature construction
- feature construction for text categorisation
- major goal: optimising the tradeoff between:
- exhaustivity: frequent features -> high coverage
- specificity: infrequent features -> discriminative
- major goal: optimising the tradeoff between:
Ordinal Logistic Regression
- motivation: rating prediction
- output: discrete rating $r \in {1, 2, …, k}$
- add order to a classifier
- logistic regression for multi-level rating
- $Y_j$ is used to judge if rating is above $j$ or not
- the formular: \(p(r > j\|X) = \frac {e^{\alpha_j + \sum_{i=1}^M x_i \beta_{ji}}}{e^{\alpha_j + \sum_{i=1}^M x_i \beta_{ji}} + 1}\)
- problems:
- many parameters! $(k-1) * (M + 1)$
- these k-1 classifications are not independent – maybe we can take the advantage of this
- dependent because pos/neg features tend to have similar effect to the final ratings
- solution: ordinal logistic regression
- $\forall{i} = 1…M, \forall{j=3…k, \beta_{ji} = \beta_{(j-1)i}}$
- share training data
- now the number: $M + k-1$
Latent Aspect Rating Analysis
- motivation
- how to infer aspect ratings
- how to infer aspect weights
- aspect: e.g. services, value, location, etc.
- two-staged solution
- I: aspect segmentation
- (augmented terms in documents?)
- II: latent rating regression
- sentiment weights to determine aspect ratings
- note: sentiment weights may be different for different aspects
- aspect weights to determine overall ratings
- sentiment weights to determine aspect ratings
- in hope of finding the latent information from the observed
- I: aspect segmentation
- latent rating regression
- overall rating: weighted average of aspect ratings
- $r_d \sim N(\sum_{i=1}^k \alpha_i{d} r_i(d), \delta^2)$
- here $\vec{\alpha}(d) \sim N(\vec{\mu}, \Sigma)$
- and $r_i(d) = \sum {w\in V} c_i(w, d)\beta{i, w}$
- ML estimation
- (maybe I need to read the paper…)
- overall rating: weighted average of aspect ratings
- a unified generative model for LARA
- (basically the lecture is about the paper and its results)
Text-Based Prediction
- active learning (under machine learning)
- how to collect data that are mostly helpful to machine learning problems
- how to generate effective predictors from text?
- topic mining, sentiment mining, etc.
Contextual Text Mining: Motivation
- context information:
- direct context / meta-data: time, location, etc.
- indirect context: e.g. social networkd of the author, etc.
- usage: partioning of text
Contextual Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
Mining Topics with Social Network as Context
- network supervised topic modeling
- $\hat\Lambda = argmax_\Lambda f(p(textdata | \Lambda), r(\Lambda, network)$
- some prior on the $\Lambda$, i.e. the parameters
- any generative model
- any network
- any regulariser (the $r()$)
- any way of combination (the $f()$)
- prior: neighbours have similar topic distribution
- quantify the difference of the topic coverages between every two nodes
- and multiply this difference with the link weight between them
- incorporate this into the objective function
- prior: neighbours have similar topic distribution
Mining Causal Topics with Time Series Supervision
- iterative causal topic modeling
- measuring causality
- Granger Casuality Test