Happy New Year of Goat!! (or sheep, whatever…)
(Actually, it might not be that happy – my grandmother just passed away last week on 14th, Feb.. R.I.P.)
And one of my best friends just got married. Best wishes to her!!
The Note
I am starting to post my course note for all my coursera courses here.
BDD Basics
Big Ideas:
- Use BDD: Boolean Decision Diagram
- Ordering: Restrict global ordering of variables
- Terminology: Canonical form, same function of same variables always produces exactly same representation.
- Every path from root to leaves visits variables in the same order.
- order matters
- one can skip some variables
- Reduction
- Purposes:
- reduce graph size
- determine canonical form / simplest form of graph representation
- Rules:
- Merge Equivalent leaves
- Merge Isomorphic Nodes – nodes with 1) same variables; 2) identical children
- Eliminate Redundant Tests – variable nodes whose children go to the same node
- Purposes:
BDD Sharing
Every BDD node (not just root) represents some boolean function in a canonical way.
Multi-rooted graph: BDD Sharing
BDD Ordering
How BDDs are really implemented
- Recursive methods like URP
- A set of operators (ops) on the BDDs
- Operate on a universe of boolean data as input / output
- Big Trick: Implement each op so that:
- inputs are shared, reduced, ordered -> outputs are so as well
- e.g. input: BDD, gates: ops
BDD applications
- compare logic implementations:
- same pointer -> same BDD
- build BDD $ H = F \oplus G $
- Tautology checking: pointer directly points to node
- Satisfiability: any path to
Problem: variable ordering matters
- Graph size growth
- e.g. $ a_{1} b_{1} + a_{2} b_{2} $
- linear growth: $ a_{1} \rightarrow b_{1} \rightarrow a_{2} \rightarrow b_{2} $
- exponential growth: $ a_{1} \rightarrow a_{2} \rightarrow b_{1} \rightarrow b_{2} $
- no universal solution
How to handle: graph size growth
- variable ordering heuristics
- characterisation: know what problems never have nice BDDs
- e.g. multipliers
- Dynamic ordering
- related inputs should be near to each other
- groups of inputs that can determine function by themselves should be 1) close and 2) near top of BDD
- e.g. $ a_{1} b_{1} + a_{2} b_{2} $
- when $ a_{1} b_{1} $ are grouped, they can determine function output
- if they are not grouped, graph goes big since it needs to ‘remember’ all possibilities of $ a_{1} $ stored above -> more edges
- not all arithmetic circuits are easy
- multipliers: exponential for best and worst ordering
Practical node size: ~100M
SAT: dont need the whole function
SAT: Boolean Satisfiability
- function is satisfied – find a set of $ x_{1}, x_{2}, … , x_{n} $ making $F(x_{1}, x_{2}, … , x_{n}) = 1$
CNF: Conjunctive Normal Function
- Standard POS (Product of Sums) form
- clause: $(a + b)$
- positive literal: $a$
- negative literal: $\bar{a}$
- Useful:
- only need to determine one clause to eval
- but need all clauses to eval
- only need to determine one clause to eval
- Clauses can be: (due to certain assignments)
- conflicting: contradict with the goal (clause = 0)
- satisfied: (clause = 1)
- unresolved: not sure of the result of the clause – variables remain
How to “solve” this? – SAT problem
- Recursively
- Decision
- select a variable and assign its value
- simplify CNF as much as you can
- Deduction
- iteratively simplify, until nothing simplifies
- if CAN decide SAT, good
- if CANNOT, back to Decision
- Decision
Use BCP to do deduction
- BCP: Boolean Constraint Propagation
- given a set of fixed variable assignment, what else can you deduce abouot necessary assignments by propagating constraints?
- Unit clause:
- most famous strategy
- def: clause has exactly one unassigned literal (others being
) - implication: unit clause has exactly one way to be satisfied
- BCP iterative: go until no more implications
- flow:
- assignment
- if there is any implication
- leads to SAT, return
- leads to unit clause, use implications as next assignment
- if there is no implication, go to 1.
- flow:
- BCP termination cases:
- SAT: found an SAT assignment, all clauses resolve to
; return; - UNRESOLVED: one or more clauses being unresolved; pick another unassigned variable, recurse;
- UNSAT: found conflict – one or more clauses eval to
- SAT: found an SAT assignment, all clauses resolve to
- This is DPLL: Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland Algorithm
SAT progress in last ~20 years
- efficient data structure
- efficient variable selections
- efficient BCP mechanisms
- learning mechanisms – find patterns of vars that NEVER lead to SAT, avoid them
SAT for Logic
- Same:
- works for many problems, but not guaranteed
- can build BDD to represent function $\phi$
- can solve for SAT on function $\phi$
- Diff:
- sometime cannot
- build BDD due to SPACE
- solve SAT due to TIME
- function representation
- BDD: full
- SAT: not full
- Quantifiers
- BDD: can build $\exists{xyz}~F$ and $\forall{xyz}~F$
- SAT: versions of quantified SAT exists, for solving SAT on $\exists{xyz}~F$ and $\forall{xyz}~F$
- sometime cannot
Practical SAT problems
- F&G: are they same? with the same inputs
- $Z = F \oplus G$
- Z SAT?
- Gates -> CNF
- e.g. $\bar{ab} = d$
- gate consistency function: $\phi_{d} = [d == (\bar{ab})] = (a+d)(b+d)(\bar{a} + \bar{b} + \bar{d})$
- $\phi = (\text{output var})\prod_{(\text{k is output wire)}}{\phi_{k}}$
- Formula:
- $z = x \rightarrow (\bar{x} + z)(x + \bar{z})$
- $z = \text{NOT}(x) \rightarrow (x + z)(\bar{x} + \bar{z})$
- $z = \text{NOR}(x_1, x_2, …, x_n) \rightarrow [\prod_{i=1}^{n}{(\bar{x_i} + \bar{z})}][(\sum_{i=1}^{n}{x_i}) + z]$
- $z = \text{OR}(x_1, x_2, …, x_n) \rightarrow [\prod_{i=1}^{n}{(\bar{x_i} + z)}][(\sum_{i=1}^{n}{x_i}) + \bar{z}]$
- $z = \text{NAND}(x_1, x_2, …, x_n) \rightarrow [\prod_{i=1}^{n}{(x_i + z)}][(\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\bar{x}_i}) + \bar{z}]$
- $z = \text{AND}(x_1, x_2, …, x_n) \rightarrow [\prod_{i=1}^{n}{(x_i + \bar{z})}][(\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\bar{x}_i}) + z]$
- e.g. $\bar{ab} = d$